Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Photographic abominations

Will this hell never end? I have found a new twisted interpretation of my story. The card who keeps bringing things into my room decided that I should get some posters for my room. He is a fool, and I will show you the posters I found when I got back from my little break from reality.
This first one is a poster for a movie that has been created surrounding the inaccurate events in Lewis Carroll's novels. They seem to be portraying my charters as some kind of protagonist who is in the forefront and is actually in wonderland, not a delusional madwoman that the Doormouse tells me I am. This does seem like something that I should keep around though, after all the slogan at the top is something that I feel reflects the state of all of us in this place. After all some days I wonder if I am the crazy one, or if the mad people are the ones in control here. After all they seem just as mad, they are just better at hiding it.

I rather like this one,  even though it is not what the Cheshire cat looks like. He looks like the picture on the right. The interpretation is very interesting though, and they got the facial expression down pat. I really enjoy the use of tea in the front of the cat as well as the look on his face, it makes him seem as menacing as he actually is, not like the people see him as. They all think he is cute and cuddly and this picture makes everyone see how he is in reality. The use of illusion is amazing, even though they have never seen him before and have no idea what he looks like or how he looks. That is all for now, I can not stay here for much longer, the Doormouse said that he is coming to check in on me soon and I do not want to overreact if he says something stupid.

Physician's notes
Alice seems to be very calm,  she did not react violently at all today. I would have thought she would have reacted violently when she saw the posters that the stupid nurse had left in her room. Instead when I went in she was laughing like a hyena and grinning like a fool. I do not know what this means, but it might mean that we are making progress in her therapy and that the doses of Laudanum she is on is enough to make her sedate enough to be reasonable. 


  1. Hello Alice. It is my sincere hope that you are able to set these pop culture junkies straight. Certainly the way Hollywood is appropriating your persona is wrong wrong wrong.

    Furthermore, it is, as the saying goes, no measure of health to be sane in a profoundly insane world. And with that in mind I say to your physician:

    Please stop giving Alice laudanum!

    Many tanks and battleships,

    The Walrus

    1. Thank you Walrus for your words, butI fear that I am unable to set them straight without more action than I am allowed to take from my current position. As for your thoughts on the laudanum it is better that I am given that then it would be if I was not, or so the dormouse says. I will keep trying to sort these people out, but without my mind clear I doubt that I could ever be sane enough for this world to think I am possessing anything but what you call a "measure of health," or as they call it a measure of insanity.

      Physician's notes
      Dear Walrus, please do not interfere in the treatment of the patient, she is unstable and without you providing evidence of a medical degree then you are unable to consult on her case.
